I believe that magic is currently the least used combat style for PvE or PvP.
Magic is used to kill DKs or for Barrows in PvE and as a support for freezing opponents in PvP.
Almost nobody kills GWD bosses with magic and if you PK using magic only you either get accused for farcasting or just DDS speced to death.
The overall problem I see is that magic armour is very weak against melee attacks although magic is supposed to be the counter to melee. Another problem would be the low damage in PvE.
I saw a lot of people begging for a polypore-like weapon or a ganodermic-like armour. Releasing such things would be a terrible mistake as, in my opinion, those items were very gamebreaking.
In order to make the use of magic-only more rewarding without releasing items as polypore or ganodermic a friend of mine and myself have developed a new magic spellbook for both PvE and PvP.

The spells
Important: all numbers and % are based on personal game experience and calculations but there was no way of ingame testing the spells.
I would love if this spellbook could be the reward for an amazing quest!
Requirements: Level 52 in magic.
Home Teleport (lvl 1)
This spell will teleport you near the altar at which you can swap to this spellbook. The location of that altar has yet to be decided.
Barbarian Village Teleport (lvl 52) - 2 law runes 4 fire runes
Teleports you to the Barbarian Village
Stellar Breeze (lvl 53) - max hit 14 - 2 chaos runes 3 body runes 2 fire runes
15% Chance to lower opponent's strength level by 1 for a maximum of 2 levels.
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental magic attack (2 red balls) recoloured to orange.

Shantay Pass Teleport (lvl 56) - 2 law runes 4 earth runes
Teleports you to the Shantay Pass
Decant Potion (lvl 57) - 2 cosmic runes 2 water runes
Decants all potions in your inventory to (4) potions if possible. Noted potions don't work.
Aether Breeze (lvl 57) - max hit 15 - 2 chaos runes 3 body runes 2 water runes
10% chance to lower opponent's magic level by 1 for a maximum of 2 levels.
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental magic attack (2 red balls) recoloured to cyan.

Arcane Breeze (lvl 61) - max hit 16 - 2 chaos runes 3 body runes 2 air runes
15% chance to boost your magic level by 1 for a maximum of 2 levels.
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental magic attack (2 red balls) recoloured to purple.

Draynor Manor Teleport (lvl 63) - 2 law runes 2 water runes 2 air runes
Teleports you infront of the Draynor Manor.
Recharge Dragonstone (lvl 68) - 3 cosmic runes 10 earth runes 10 water runes
Recharges 1 enchanted dragonstone item in your inventory (requires Heroes Quest).
Grand Tree Teleport (lvl 68) - 2 law runes 3 air runes 3 earth runes
Teleports you to the Grand Tree infront of the King's Room.
Stellar Gust (lvl 69) - max hit 20 - 2 death runes 5 body runes 3 fire runes
15% chance to lower opponent's strength level by 1 for a maximum of 4 levels.
Spell animation: Kalphite Queen's magic attack (white bolt which becomes a lightning strike on hit) recoloured to orange

Aether Gust (lvl 73) - max hit 21 - 2 death runes 5 body runes 3 water runes
10% chance to lower opponent's magic level by 1 for a maximum of 4 levels.
Spell animation: Kalphite Queen's magic attack (white bolt which becomes a lightning strike on hit) recoloured to cyan.

Rellekka Teleport (lvl 74) - 2 law runes 4 earth runes 4 water runes
Teleports you to the Rellekka marketplace.
Repair Armour (lvl 77) - 2 cosmic runes 2 law runes 5 earth runes
Repairs your damaged armour (requires money). Same price as Bob, you gain no smithing xp.
Arcane Gust (lvl 77) - max hit 22 - 2 death runes 5 body runes 3 air runes
15% chance to boost your magic level by 1 for a maximum of 4 levels.
Spell animation: Kalphite Queen's magic attack (white bolt which becomes a lightning strike on hit) recoloured to purple

Gu'Tanoth Teleport (lvl 79) - 1 law rune 1 nature rune 5 earth runes
Teleports you to the Gu'Tanoth Marketplace (requires Watchtower Quest).
Tireless Run (lvl 80) - 1 soul rune 5 body runes
Restores 30% of your agility level as run energy.
15 seconds cooldown.
Stellar Storm (lvl 83) - max hit 26 - 2 soul runes 7 body runes 5 fire runes
15% chance to lower opponent's strength level by 2 for a maximum of 6 levels.
Spell animation: Sergeant Steelwill's (Bandos minion) magic attack recoloured to orange.

Dark Warriors' Fortress Teleport (lvl 84) - 3 law runes 3 earth runes 3 air runes
Teleports you near the Dark Warrior's Fortress (wildy lvl ~12 non-multi zone).
Fatigue (lvl 85) - max hit 18 - 1 soul rune 1 death rune 10 body runes
Drains 15% of opponent's current run energy. (You don't get the run energy. Effective at high %, weak at low %). This spell is designed to slow your enemies down if they try to run. There is no immobilize in this spellbook because i think that immobilizes encourage farcasting and the idea behind this spellbook is that you're able to fight your opponent face to face using some effects of high level spells (see Empower Body and Empower Mind).
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental's ranged attack.

Aether Storm (lvl 87) - max hit 27- 2 soul runes 7 body runes 5 water runes
10% chance to lower opponent's magic level by 2 for a maximum of 6 levels.
Spell animation: Sergeant Steelwill's (Bandos minion) magic attack recoloured to cyan.

Chaos Altar Teleport (lvl 89) - 3 law runes 2 chaos runes
Teleports you to the Chaos Altar in the (lvl 13) Wilderness (NOT the chaos rune altar).
Arcane Storm (lvl 91) - max hit 28 - 2 soul runes 7 body runes 5 air runes
15% chance to boost magic level by 2 for a maximum of 6 levels.
Spell animation: Sergeant Steelwill's (Bandos minion) magic attack recoloured to purple.

Meteorite (lvl 92) - max hit 6* - 1 soul rune 2 death runes 5 earth runes
Summons a meteorite crashing down on your foes.
* Max hit increases depending on the combat level of the target it hits -> combat level is turned into %
Example: General Graardor is combat level 624. If you cast Meteorite on General Graardor the spell's max hit is increased by Graardor's combat level in % -> 6 x 6.24 (= 624%) = 37,44.
This skill is not meant for PKing. Spells as the God Spells will still remain viable for killing DKs. This skill is supposed to provide a good damage source against GWD bosses or Jad. Its damage can further be boosted with Staff of the Dead or other effects making it a powerful alternative to ranged or melee combat.
Casting animation: Similar to God Spells. Skill animation: Jad ranged attack.

Focus (lvl 93) - 2 soul runes 5 body runes 1 death rune
Increases the damage of your next outgoing magic attack by 20%. 60 seconds cooldown.
Charge Energy (lvl 94) - 2 soul runes 3 cosmic runes 5 body runes
Recharges 10% of your special attack bar. 60 seconds cooldown.
Empower Mind (lvl 95) - 3 soul runes 15 mind runes 10 air runes
120 seconds duration: Increases your magic damage by 15% but reduces your magic accuracy by 30%.
Stacks with %damage items.
Empower Body and Empower Mind can't be active at the same time. Both of these spells are "magic stances". If Empower Mind is active while Empower Body gets activated, Empower Mind will be deactivated and Empower Body will be activated. The same rule applies vice versa.
Empower Body (lvl 96) - 3 soul runes 15 body runes 15 earth runes
120 seconds duration: While wielding a staff, a magic helm, a magic body and magic legs this spell doubles your melee armour bonuses but reduces your magic damage by 15%. With this spell you can achieve a similar armour rating as somebody in full rune or barrows if you use a shield. This allowes you to fight a 1Vs1 against a melee combatant without having to farcast. Your overall damage will be reduced but your spells will hit more often due to the melee user's magic defense weakness. You will still be vulnerable to ranged attacks!
Stacks with %damage items.
Empower Body and Empower Mind can't be active at the same time. Both of these spells are "magic stances". If Empower Mind is active while Empower Body gets activated, Empower Mind will be deactivated and Empower Body will be activated. The same rule applies vice versa.
Some words
Thanks for taking time to read my thread. Suggestions or criticism are welcome but please restrain from posting things as "no thanks".
Fell free to post your feedback here! (RS Forums)
or here! (Zybez Forums)
I believe that magic is currently the least used combat style for PvE or PvP.
Magic is used to kill DKs or for Barrows in PvE and as a support for freezing opponents in PvP.
Almost nobody kills GWD bosses with magic and if you PK using magic only you either get accused for farcasting or just DDS speced to death.
The overall problem I see is that magic armour is very weak against melee attacks although magic is supposed to be the counter to melee. Another problem would be the low damage in PvE.
I saw a lot of people begging for a polypore-like weapon or a ganodermic-like armour. Releasing such things would be a terrible mistake as, in my opinion, those items were very gamebreaking.
In order to make the use of magic-only more rewarding without releasing items as polypore or ganodermic a friend of mine and myself have developed a new magic spellbook for both PvE and PvP.
The spells
Important: all numbers and % are based on personal game experience and calculations but there was no way of ingame testing the spells.
I would love if this spellbook could be the reward for an amazing quest!
Requirements: Level 52 in magic.
This spell will teleport you near the altar at which you can swap to this spellbook. The location of that altar has yet to be decided.
Teleports you to the Barbarian Village
15% Chance to lower opponent's strength level by 1 for a maximum of 2 levels.
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental magic attack (2 red balls) recoloured to orange.
Teleports you to the Shantay Pass
Decants all potions in your inventory to (4) potions if possible. Noted potions don't work.
10% chance to lower opponent's magic level by 1 for a maximum of 2 levels.
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental magic attack (2 red balls) recoloured to cyan.
15% chance to boost your magic level by 1 for a maximum of 2 levels.
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental magic attack (2 red balls) recoloured to purple.
Teleports you infront of the Draynor Manor.
Recharges 1 enchanted dragonstone item in your inventory (requires Heroes Quest).
Teleports you to the Grand Tree infront of the King's Room.
15% chance to lower opponent's strength level by 1 for a maximum of 4 levels.
Spell animation: Kalphite Queen's magic attack (white bolt which becomes a lightning strike on hit) recoloured to orange
10% chance to lower opponent's magic level by 1 for a maximum of 4 levels.
Spell animation: Kalphite Queen's magic attack (white bolt which becomes a lightning strike on hit) recoloured to cyan.
Teleports you to the Rellekka marketplace.
Repairs your damaged armour (requires money). Same price as Bob, you gain no smithing xp.
15% chance to boost your magic level by 1 for a maximum of 4 levels.
Spell animation: Kalphite Queen's magic attack (white bolt which becomes a lightning strike on hit) recoloured to purple
Teleports you to the Gu'Tanoth Marketplace (requires Watchtower Quest).
Restores 30% of your agility level as run energy.
15 seconds cooldown.
15% chance to lower opponent's strength level by 2 for a maximum of 6 levels.
Spell animation: Sergeant Steelwill's (Bandos minion) magic attack recoloured to orange.
Teleports you near the Dark Warrior's Fortress (wildy lvl ~12 non-multi zone).
Drains 15% of opponent's current run energy. (You don't get the run energy. Effective at high %, weak at low %). This spell is designed to slow your enemies down if they try to run. There is no immobilize in this spellbook because i think that immobilizes encourage farcasting and the idea behind this spellbook is that you're able to fight your opponent face to face using some effects of high level spells (see Empower Body and Empower Mind).
Spell animation: Chaos Elemental's ranged attack.
10% chance to lower opponent's magic level by 2 for a maximum of 6 levels.
Spell animation: Sergeant Steelwill's (Bandos minion) magic attack recoloured to cyan.
Teleports you to the Chaos Altar in the (lvl 13) Wilderness (NOT the chaos rune altar).
15% chance to boost magic level by 2 for a maximum of 6 levels.
Spell animation: Sergeant Steelwill's (Bandos minion) magic attack recoloured to purple.
Summons a meteorite crashing down on your foes.
* Max hit increases depending on the combat level of the target it hits -> combat level is turned into %
Example: General Graardor is combat level 624. If you cast Meteorite on General Graardor the spell's max hit is increased by Graardor's combat level in % -> 6 x 6.24 (= 624%) = 37,44.
This skill is not meant for PKing. Spells as the God Spells will still remain viable for killing DKs. This skill is supposed to provide a good damage source against GWD bosses or Jad. Its damage can further be boosted with Staff of the Dead or other effects making it a powerful alternative to ranged or melee combat.
Casting animation: Similar to God Spells. Skill animation: Jad ranged attack.
Increases the damage of your next outgoing magic attack by 20%. 60 seconds cooldown.
Recharges 10% of your special attack bar. 60 seconds cooldown.
120 seconds duration: Increases your magic damage by 15% but reduces your magic accuracy by 30%.
Stacks with %damage items.
Empower Body and Empower Mind can't be active at the same time. Both of these spells are "magic stances". If Empower Mind is active while Empower Body gets activated, Empower Mind will be deactivated and Empower Body will be activated. The same rule applies vice versa.
120 seconds duration: While wielding a staff, a magic helm, a magic body and magic legs this spell doubles your melee armour bonuses but reduces your magic damage by 15%. With this spell you can achieve a similar armour rating as somebody in full rune or barrows if you use a shield. This allowes you to fight a 1Vs1 against a melee combatant without having to farcast. Your overall damage will be reduced but your spells will hit more often due to the melee user's magic defense weakness. You will still be vulnerable to ranged attacks!
Stacks with %damage items.
Empower Body and Empower Mind can't be active at the same time. Both of these spells are "magic stances". If Empower Mind is active while Empower Body gets activated, Empower Mind will be deactivated and Empower Body will be activated. The same rule applies vice versa.
Some words
Thanks for taking time to read my thread. Suggestions or criticism are welcome but please restrain from posting things as "no thanks".
Fell free to post your feedback here! (RS Forums)
or here! (Zybez Forums)
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